
Quite a few months ago now (I’m quite ashamed to admit) I was involved in an awesome swap organised by Gemma who is the amazing writer of Lipstick and Lashes. The main goal of the project is to match up bloggers from all over the world, get them talking, make some friends and get a wee gift in the mail!

Now for me in little NZ this was really cool to be involved with something on a international scale and get to know another blogger. I don’t have any ‘real life’ blogging friends as there is simply none that I know of in my area, so it was really cool to get know Sarah from  www.hereyoume.co.uk even though she is on the other side of the world!

Sarah and I run sort of similar blogs in the sense that we blog about a load of different things that we really can’t be pigeon holed as one kind of blogger so we call them lifestyle blogs! She blogs about her adventures, the things she loves and her gorgeous cats also feature now and again!!

The rules of the swap were to get to know each other via email, then send each other a gift, we upped the budget because sending things from England to NZ and vise versa is a bit pricey so we wanted to make it worth while!

During our many emails I told Sarah we are currently renovating our house and she was kind enough to send me these gorgeous decor items. One is a beautiful heart shaped frame- the colours are perfect for my bedroom! The other is this gorgeous trio of hanging wicker hearts, I’m not sure if I’m going to use these in the lounge or put them in my daughters room once it’s finished. I am a huge fan of hearts so these were right up my alley and totally something I would choose myself!



The other things in the box were two awesome products by Soap & Glory and even though I’m not in the beauty scene anymore I’m a sucker for new products to try, especially products that aren’t easily accessible to NZ! I have been using them for the last couple of weeks and they are really nice! They don’t leave your skin oily and they smell amazing!! Makes me so envious of the amazing stuff that we can’t get here!

I almost forgot to mention all of this gorgeousness came in the most sparkly pink box that my daughter has now stolen to keep her Polly Pockets in!

A huge thank you to Gemma for organising such an amazing swap and also to Sarah for the awesome little package and all of your little messages! I’m thinking about a way I can display them for my office to help inspire me to blog more!!

Pop over to Sarah’s blog www.hereyoume.co.uk to see what I sent her! You can also check out her Instagram!

Robin xx


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